1. What is a biofunctional and intelligent textile?

It is one that not only serves to be dressed, but also has properties that exert added functionality, interacting in an interactive and personalized way with the user of the same.

  1. What is Far Infrared (FIR)?

Far infrared (FIR) is a non-ionizing subdivision, therefore safe, that is part of the electromagnetic spectrum and is located in the range between 0.75 and 1000 microns, widely studied, including by NASA during the massive space program.

  1. How did NASA use FIR technology?

NASA began to use FIR technology to improve the health and recovery of its astronauts in the space program in the conquest of the moon. To apply it, it used large lamp devices or a kind of sauna where astronauts spent hours exposed to FIR.

  1. Which FIR emission is the most beneficial for health and why?

Especially the emission range between 4 and 16 microns [1-2], due to its equivalence with the size of most of our cells (9 microns).

  1. How does the technology (FIR) act on the body and how does it work?

This form of energy is capable of triggering unique biological effects, fundamentally based on the “resonance” effect, capable of modifying some chemical reactions that are beneficial to health.

It generates the rupture of the “cluster” of the interstitial fluid, facilitating both the nutrition of the cells and the extraction and channeling of the metabolic detritus towards the elimination mechanisms.

Clusters are large clusters of water molecules that bind food and waste from cells, generating great toxicity and can suffocate a cell or force it to mutate in order to survive.

It must be understood that health and disease are determined, not by the state of the organs, but by the state of the billions of cells that make up the human body.”.

  1. Mechanism of action at the cellular level?

The cellular and molecular mechanisms are somewhat understood and involve the absorption of red light by mitochondrial chromophores such as cytochrome c oxidase (CCO, unit IV of the mitochondrial respiratory chain) [10]. This photon absorption activates the enzyme, possibly through photodissociation of the inhibitory molecule, NO, from the copper B (CuB) site [11]. This loss of NO allows electron transport, oxygen consumption, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) (adenosine triphosphate) to increase rapidly and results in a marked increase in mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) resulting in to a brief burst of ROS [12]. The signaling pathways are activated by ATP, NO and ROS (reactive oxygen species, free radicals), and lead to the activation of transcription factors (such as NF-κB) [13] that lead to long-term effects on the tissue (healing, anti-inflammatory and pain relief [14] seen after relatively transient periods of illumination.

  1. What benefits has this technology proven?

The benefits, among others, that it provides are important and unique [1]:

  1. Are the benefits provided by the use of (FIR) scientifically proven?

Yes, multiple clinical studies amply demonstrate the benefits, safety and properties of this technology.

  1. What are Bioceramics?

Bioceramics are inorganic particles of the order of nanometers, which have the particularity, in the appropriate proportions, of emitting far infrared or of reflecting and returning the energy emitted by it to the body in the form of far infrared.

  1. What is the technological advance that we contribute to the use of technology (FIR)?

Our manufacturer has patented a special type of fiber, managing to fuse in the DNA of polyester fibers a formulation in the exact proportion of bioceramics capable of emitting and returning to the body in the form of far infrared, its energy, in four specific ranges and The only ones of this wavelength [15], which are the ones that prove that they benefit health, emitting between 4 and 16 microns within the far infrared. Transforming dead tissues into living tissues with therapeutic capacity, with the simple gesture of dressing them.

  1. How are the biofunctional textiles we use made?

Textiles are made with our polyester fibers enhanced with DNA-fused bioceramic particles, yarn is made with these fibers, and any garment is made with yarn.

  1. What are the differences between our technology and what exists on the market?
  1. What scientific evidence has the benefits of the textiles we use?

Multiple clinical studies have been carried out with our textiles, implemented in the target population, which validate the efficacy of our technology, plus what FIR technology had already demonstrated:

Everything is available in the scientific dossier with all these studies.

  1. Who can benefit from our technology?

Although our technology has multiple applications, at this moment we are focusing on the use of textiles in Diabetes, pain or rehabilitation.

  1. How are our biofunctional textiles used?

It is one of the great advantages that our products provide, users only have to put on the garments to obtain the benefits.

  1. Does the garment work if it does not receive direct sunlight?

Yes, the properties of bioceramics is to emit far infrared in contact with the body of a person, for the best understanding, we all know that bodies emit infrared light, (it can be seen with special devices, which are used in armies for example for night or thermal vision of bodies). This infrared light is picked up by the bioceramics in our clothing and returned to the body as far infrared (FIR).

  1. How long do you have to wear the clothes to benefit from the effects, is there a limit on the time of use?

The effects are immediate, and users begin to benefit from this technology from the moment they wear it.

The longer the clothing is kept on and the more time it spends in use, the greater the benefits to be gained.

There is no usage time limit.

  1. What are the conditions of use?

Simply put on the garments, better in direct contact with the skin, but it does not matter if it is used over another garment.

  1. Does it have contraindications or adverse effects?

Due to ethics, we do not recommend its use in pregnant women or in children under 16 years of age.

Has no known adverse effects.

  1. How long do the beneficial effects last?

The duration of the properties of our textiles is one of our great advantages, they last at least two years when used continuously and washed as recommended.

  1. Are the effects lost after washing?

No, at least for two years, if the conditions of use and washing are met.

  1. How are they washed?

Like a normal garment, with the usual detergent and cold water, it can be washed in a washing machine.

  1. Can they be ironed?

Ironing is not recommended, and it is not necessary either, since after washing it does not wrinkle, and they are ready to be used.

  1. Can these be tumble dried?

It is not recommended, because it can alter the molecules of the improved polyester.

  1. What is the production capacity?

Virtually unlimited to serve large orders.

  1. What are the average delivery times for large orders?

Average delivery times for large orders are 12 to 16 weeks from order placement.

  1. What are the range of retail prices?

Taking into account the diversity of possible garments, and the variety of prices that this implies, for use in humans the price range is between 35 and 120 euros.


  1. Estudio sobre las propiedades del FIR; US NIH (R01AI050875 a MRH, de Fatma Vatansever, Michael R. Hamblin, Harvard Medical School, Boston.
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  17. Estudio Universidad de Extremadura BioPiex, efecto calcetín con tecnología Ekatom Fiber en el pie de los diabéticos, mejora de la gestión de la humedad e hidratación, efecto termorregulador, reducción de fricción que genera heridas, reducción riesgo de infecciones.
  18. Estudio clínico unidad pie diabético, clinica universitaria de podología, universidad complutense de Madrid, mejora de oxigenación y circulación en el pie de personas con diabetes.
  19. Bioceramic-fiber socks have more benefits than cotton-made socks in controlling bacterial load and the increase of sweat in runners. Alfonso Martínez Nova1, Felix Marcos-Tejedor, Beatriz Gómez Martínez, Raquel Sánchez-Rodríguez and Elena Escamilla-Martínez.
  20. Estudio con EKATOM® Fiber sobre dolor y adherencia en pacientes tras operación de hernia discal, , equipo universidad neurocirugía universidad de Granada
  21. Repeated thermal therapy up-regulates endothelial nitric oxide synthase and augments angiogenesis in a mouse model of hindlimb ischemia. Akasaki Y, Miyata M, Eto H, Shirasawa T, Hamada N, Ikeda Y, Biro S, Otsuji Y, Tei C. Source Department of Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Metabolic Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Kagoshima University, Sakuragaoka, Japan.

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